Salt Cavern Sump, Sedimentation Ponds, & Brine Pond
Geography: fORT sASKATCHEWAN, Alberta
aPPLICATION: Natural Gas Salt Cavern and Associated Pump/Sump Bldg and Storage Ponds
Materials: Geo-Composite, Geonet, 60 & 80 mil HDPE, Spray-Applied Membrane
Duration: 12 mONTHS
Project Description
Engineered Containment’s first phase of the project was to apply a spray-applied to the large concrete cast-in-place concrete pump/sump building. The concrete pour had many defects so ECI ensured repairs were completed so as not to compromise the integrity of the spray-applied membrane. The selection of the correct primer and coating was a complex process but this complex and confined space with SCBA was completed on time and on budget.
The second phase was the completion of the Sedimentation Ponds which were not originally awarded to ECI. This job had to be completed in wet/snow conditions late in the season and while difficult, this conductive geomembrane project was completed and the ponds commissioned on time and budget.
The third phase was an extensive repair of the 31 acre multi-layer Brine Pond which wasn’t originally awarded to ECI. This was complex with multiple issues like insufficient slack, incorrect pipeboot fabrication, and multiple defects at welding points throughout the pond. ECI completed this over 3 months through the coldest portion of winter and got the pond into service.
All liners and coatings are in operation without leakage
There is great importance for Owners, General Contractors, and Sub-Contractors to carefully select an experienced and qualified Tier 1 geomembrane liner installer. The importance of having qualified Engineers and all-round technical expertise within an organization cannot be over-stated as the problems we solve takes a 360 degree approach. ECI has an APEGA Permit to Practice and bound to APEGA’s Code of Ethics with Value Engineering a key component of our business objectives.