We are a multi-faceted design, manufacturing, and installation organization with a commitment to build our team with as many First Nations and Metis peoples as possible given our internal training programs and well-aligned environmental protection systems and services. We focus on creating and growing careers within each of these disciplines and our team enjoys a full benefits package including a company-matched retirement savings program. As well, there are those less fortunate than our employees so we support the United Way and other charities.
We recognize and respect the desire of the Indigenous peoples of Canada for sustainable economic development to maintain their distinct identities and to maintain jurisdiction in their traditional lands. This requires trust and communication and a deep understanding of Canadian history including how important our indigenous peoples are to that history.
Our goal is to demonstrate our commitment and adherence to this through our best efforts to seek out cooperation and partnerships with Indigenous communities and organizations in all regions of Canada.
Our commitment is to:
Create employment and career opportunities;
Develop and deliver training opportunities for employee advancement;
Inform local businesses of contract opportunities; and,
Build an on-going mutually beneficial and respectful business relationship that will contribute to enhancement of the community.