Multi-Tank ECo-Armour™ Tank Apron Project
Geography: Central Alberta
Industry: Oil & Gas
Materials: ECo-Armour ™ Tank Apron Protection System
Duration: 3 Months
Project Description
Engineered Containment was approached by a General Contractor (GC) to provide an alternate solution for this large project. The Owner was unhappy with the current product specified (Spray Applied Polyurea) as it had not performed well at another 2-year old installation where the polyurea was showing signs of UV degradation, damage from normal activities, and was a slipping hazard when wet or covered with snow. ECI was contracted to design and build an ECo-Armour ™ apron system for 6 storage tanks .
The project was completed on time and on budget on a very congested construction site. The customer is confident that ECI’s custom ECo-Armour™design will protect their tanks from moisture-induced settlement, erosion, corrosion, and weed growth for the life of the tanks while providing secure all-weather footing for their personnel working around the tanks.
After completing its work scope, ECI was engaged by another GC at the same worksite to assist another geomembrane installer to recover serious schedule slippage. ECI assisted the GC to achieve their deadline and the Owner started filling tanks the next day.
lessons learned
ECI’s Value Engineered geosynthetic solutions will provide best possible value and not disappoint Owners. Be cautious of spray-applied solutions where inferior polyurea is used and/or sprayed on at significantly less thickness than the spray-applied contractor was obligated to apply. Also be aware that poly-urea “roll stock” produced in a plant cannot be adequately seamed in the field to industry standard weld strengths given that it is a thermoset polymer and not thermoplastic like industry standard GRI geomembranes. Call ECI for more details on this inappropriate method for reducing spray-applied contractor costs and pricing.