Frac Water Pond
Geography: nORTHEASTERN british columbia
Industry: OIL & GAS
Project Description
Engineered Containment Inc (ECI) was contracted to supply and install a mutli-layered geosynthetic water storage pond project located in NE BC with a surface area of 30,000 m2. The project scope included the supply and installation of a geosynthetic ground water management system, leak detection systems, three layers of containment geomembrane liners, and HDPE piping systems. ECI worked with all the project stakeholders providing design assistance during the final design stages of the pond. The multi-layered system was non-destructively tested during the installation to ensure no leakage was present between the various geomembrane containment layers. ECI’s careful attention to detail and workmanship allowed for a leak free pond that will be in service for many years to come.