Private Sewage Treatment Project
Geography: Central Alberta
Industry: Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP)
Materials: Gas Wicks, 60 mil Double sided Textured White HDPE, Proprietary Slope Protection System.
Duration: 2 Weeks in Late Fall Weather Conditions
Project Description
Engineered Containment worked closely with the Engineering firm to design a project for the Owner that would work with the land topography. Following regulatory requirements for this type of containment, an impermeable geosynthetic material was required. ECI and the design engineer also value-engineered a slope protection system for potential environmental damage. This system is very durable and resistant to mechanical and environmental damage.
The project was a great success for the Owner along with the Engineering Firm and ECI.
lessons learned
Because ECI has a Permit to Practice our internal Engineers worked with the Design Engineer prior to construction. Together we developed a system that worked well for this type of application. This ultimately led to construction of additional systems in 2018 as the design team’s value-engineered design resulted in substantial cost savings for the client.