Flare Pond Project
Geography: fort mcmurray, Alberta
Industry: Oil & Gas
Materials: Geotextile, White DS 80 Mil Super Textured HDPE (4:1 SLOPES), 80 mil Smooth HDPE (BASE)
Duration: 3 weeks
Project Description
Engineered Containment installed white double-sided textured geomembrane liner for this project to allow for ease of inspection during installation of the materials. ECI worked with the Engineering Firm, General Contractor, and Owner for a final design that would perform the best for this application. The liner was covered with 0.75 meters of oily sand to protect the liner as the flare stacks were close to the pond location so the coefficient of friction was a key consideration.
The project was completed on time, without incident, and within the scheduled time line provided by ECI.
lessons learned
Working with the design team allowed the project to be completed without any issues and has been working perfectly for the Owner.